GOD is the Awesome Creator of the Heavens and the Earth! We are thankful to God for His wonderful creation, and for this beautiful planet called Earth. With each day, it is good to give thanks to God for His creation. And, according to the Bible, the Earth is the LORD’s, and all it’s fullness, the world, and everyone who dwells in it (see Psalm 24:1), and with God’s wisdom, all peoples can serve God faithfully (see Psalm 100).
Altogether, here at Divine Inspiration Styles, we hope that you have had a meaningful Earth Day celebration, with your family and friends, and all your loved ones. Be refreshed with the appreciation of God’s blessings, count your blessings in life, growing in wisdom, and renewed with more love, joy, peace, happiness, strength and good health, and that you continue to grow in life, and that you are grateful for all of God’s blessings in life.
Therefore, we wish you more love, joy, peace, happiness, strength, good prosperity and good health this Earth Day celebration. Give thanks to God for all the wonderful blessings in your life! Cheers to you! Happy Earth Day 2022!
Happy Shopping & Happy Living! 🙂️🎉️🎊
Divine Inspiration Styles